Announcing BIOB an binary object storage library

Posted at — Feb 21, 2019
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Learn how to test real-world applications with the Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass. Comprehensive online course with 8 modules and 130+ video lessons to master well-known Java testing libraries: JUnit 5, Mockito, Testcontainers, WireMock, Awaitility, Selenium, LocalStack, Selenide, and Spring's Outstanding Test Support.

I am announcing a new open-source project I am working on: BIOB

It is still very early days, but there is already a fully functional local file system implementation and an in-memory implementation for testing. See for full details and a usage example on how to use the library in your own project.

It does not depend on Spring or Spring Boot, but I have used it in that context so far because that is what I use for all of my projects.

Feel free to try it out and contact me if you have questions, remarks or ideas for the project!

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