
This is an overview of my various open-source projects.

Taming Thymeleaf CLI
A command line tool to generate a Spring Boot with Thymeleaf application. It has various options to customize the generated project with live reload, webjars support, ...

Spring Boot and Thymeleaf library for htmx
This library provides helper classes and a Thymeleaf dialect to make it easy to work with htmx in a Spring Boot application.

Error Handling Spring Boot Starter
The goal of the project is to make it easy to have proper, consistent error responses for REST APIs build with Spring Boot. See Error handling library for Spring Boot for a detailed explanation of the project and what it improves on top of the default Spring Boot support for error responses.

This project allows to run Cypress tests from a JUnit test using TestContainers. It is very convenient when using server-side HTML templating like Thymeleaf.

The goal of the project is to provide some convenient classes and interface to use JPA with early primary key generation. It also encourages to use value objects as primary keys.

Binary Object Repository
The goal of this project is to make it easy to store binary data alongside the entities that refer to them.

JIRA Database Values Plugin
This plugin for Atlassian Jira is a custom field that allows you to connect to an external database and fetch some values from there. After adding this custom field to an issue edit screen, you can select one of those values so it will be associated with the current issue.

The plugin is available on the Atlassian Marketplace at